Gettin' To the Heart of the Art at San Jose del Cabo's Hotel El Ganzo

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Back in September, I was EXTREMELY lucky to have the opportunity to spend a week at Hotel El Ganzo in San Jose del Cabo, Mexico. It sits on the other, quieter, more civilized side of the Baja peninsula from Cabo San Lucas and it's no ordinary place. Not only have artists like Thievery Corporation and Telefunkt recorded in their underground recording studio, but they have an artist-in-residence program in which they invite artists of different disciplines (including NBA star Desmond Mason...who knew!?) to stay in the rooms and decorate them however they please.

Needless to say, we ran into some pretty unique stuffs!!

Anyhow, I was out there with Joan Jetsetter and our virtual reality production company Superswell VR shooting 360˚ VR videos for the property, which we'll be sharing soon. But this post is about another of my assignments while I was out there - to write an article about the resort for Palisades Magazine. I just received a copy and wanted to share it with you, so if you'd like, click the magazine cover image for a PDF version of the article. Hope you enjoy...

Also, this seems like a good time to share all the images from that trip. Here's a slideshow gallery of the insanely inspiring creativity that we ran across while out there shooting!

And for more riff raffs and crockolockers, find me at:
instagram: @wasimofnazareth 
ello: @wasimofnazareth 
google+: +WasimMuklashy

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