
The Spirit Of The Mountain Calls Again - Here're This Year's Entries!

The Spirit Of The Mountain Calls Again - Here're This Year's Entries!

I canโ€™t believe itโ€™s been a full year since the last one. That photo contest that I was honored to place 2nd and 3rd in last year, the National Park Service sponsored โ€œSpirit Of The Mountainโ€ photo contest? Well, itโ€™s back. I just submitted my two entries, the two you see above, "Family Time" and "Pole Position,โ€ two images taken within the past 12 months in the Santa Monica Mountain Range.

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Hoorah! The Samsung Imageloggers (Including Moi) Took Over Rangefinder Magazine.

Hoorah! The Samsung Imageloggers (Including Moi) Took Over Rangefinder Magazine.

So this Samsung Imagelogger journey has been an extremely unexpected ray of light that just keeps shining brighter as the months go on. In addition to the cameras and gear (as if that wasn't enough), another huge benefit of this thing is the ridiculous exposure and opportunities we get. Some of us got to go to Photokina on Samsungโ€™s behalf, some of us gave away free NX30s in Times Square a few months ago, some of us had our images used in promotional material and ads, some of us ended up on a safari. Well, this week, some of us had the humble pleasure of taking over a full special issue of Rangefinder Magazine, a pretty influential magazine in the photography industry.

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A Surprise Journey Through The Range Of Light โ€“ Part 2 โ€“ Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite National Park

A Surprise Journey Through The Range Of Light โ€“ Part 2 โ€“ Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite National Park

This is just one of those places. You hear about it, you see pictures of it, you read about it, and if youโ€™re a nature-lover or photographer, or better yet, both, youโ€™d be hot damned if you thatโ€™s the one you didnโ€™t get to cross off your bucket-list.

Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite National Park.

The mystique around this place runs high. Itโ€™s been called a โ€˜photographers paradise,โ€™ as well as one of โ€˜the most difficult places to photograph.โ€™ The thing about it is, itโ€™s closed off most of the year.

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Bad Days Are The New Good Days! Thanks For The Reminder Photofocus!

Bad Days Are The New Good Days! Thanks For The Reminder Photofocus!

So I know you've probably already seen enough of this set of images, but, well, too bad! Ha! An image from this series keeps getting around one way or another - this time absolutely humbling me by showing up on the homepage for Photofocus.com as this week's 'Featured Image.' This is Scott Bourne, Richard Harrington, Melissa Niu and company! It's madness!

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Photography Lesson Learned - Don't Fight It, Just Succumb To It (It's More Rewarding)!

Samsung NX300_Wasim Muklashy Photography When you feel something, your mind and body are trying to tell you something. Listen. Donโ€™t ignore. Today was just another reminder of that basic instinct that we so often and easily seem to lose touch with in our hyper-โ€˜connectedโ€™ day and age. There were a few things going on that were weighing heavy a bit on my mind, and something just kept tugging at me saying, forget everything you're doing right now and just go. Doesn't matter where or what, just go. Get out of here.


But I had work to do, and I was on the clock, and so I kept pushing back..."No, no, you can't just go. What are you thinking?โ€ย 

That practical, responsible nonsense went on for about an hour before I was too exhausted to fight it anymore and just gave in, figuring, if anything, at least it would shut my brain up for a minute. So I grabbed the new NX300 that Samsung put in my hands, jumped in my car, and headed the 12 miles through the canyon down to the coast.

I pulled off to the side of the road at Topanga Beach, stepped outside, and sat by the ocean for a while, watching an older couple try their luck with their fishing lines. My brain tried telling me Iโ€™m supposed to be making pictures, but, well, I wasn't feeling it. I know I could have forced it, especially as one of them caught a fish and they were taking iPhone pictures of their prize together, but still, I just figured right now, I'm better off just marinating in this moment with no purpose other than to take it in and enjoy it. And that was that.

After about 15 minutes, I figured the sun's about to set in an hour, I should find a nice place to sit down and soak it in, so I headed up Pacific Coast Highway away from the city, and just as the sun began making it's decent over the horizon, I found myself in front of Pepperdine University, which, if you've ever seen it, sits right on a gorgeous grassy knoll overlooking the Pacific. As I was pulling up, a group of cars started to slow down and the first thought I had (and if youโ€™re from LA youโ€™ll immediately understand) was โ€œDamnit, of course. Traffic!โ€ So I looked up to see how far ahead of me it stretched, and, well, I didnโ€™t find traffic. What I found caused me to pull over, throw park, grab my camera, and jump out of my car.

If I kept working, I would have never caught this. If I stayed and forced shots with the fisherman and woman, I would have never caught this. If I didnโ€™t decide to give in to that tug at the gut, I would have never caught this. I simply just let go and succumbed to my feelings, and 15 miles up the coast, this is what they led me to - some of my favorite images from the past couple of months.

All images were shot on the Samsung NX300.

For more of my madness: Instagram: @wasimofnazareth Twitter: @wasimofnazareth Google+: www.Google.com/+WasimMuklashy Facebook: www.Facebook.com/WasimOfNazareth